I have been a gamer for 25 years, my company was created with gaming in mind, but I created Gamer Wager so people could settle bets at FIFA, I never knew the world FIFA was a part of.
Insert Coin
I love gaming! The first game system I had was the Amstrad CPC464, I loved it, if you heard one of those loading you would never forget the sound it made. I moved on to the Nintendo playing Mario and Duck Hunt after that but things really kicked into gear when I was gifted a SNES. With titles like Metroid, Mario Kart and Street Fighter what was there not to love about that beautiful grey box? The jewel in the crown, for me and my friends, was International Superstar Soccer… the first incarnation of what is now PES. In our eyes if you were playing FIFA94 you were a chump (read that back in Ray Liotta voice from Goodfellas if you have to). The Graphics were ahead of their time and the game play was incredible. Eventually I moved on to the Playstation but that amazing game came with me, growing, developing and peaking, in my opinion, at Pro Evo 5. Here we are today with FIFA19 and PES2019. Both games look amazing but I still think Pro Evo 5 had more about it as a football game, but, that’s my opinion and as we all know with opinions, no one really gives a shit.
Choose Player
I enjoy gaming and I enjoy gambling, I am as comfortable at a poker table as I am playing FIFA, for money, with a friend after a few down my local. In 2016 I decided to create a platform that allowed people to play each other for money, without the need to chase the bet up after the loser had tried to avoid you for a few weeks, for the sake of a tenner…. You know who you are! After spending time finding developers, acquiring licenses and creating a brand I had the task of picking which games to use on my platform. FIFA, PRO EVO (Obvs) Street Fighter, COD… these were all games that I had played and enjoyed, one of my friends asked me if I was going to be using League of Legends as his son was really keen on it, my reply was simply “League of what now”. I did some research, 27 million players in a day! To put that into perspective, that’s a shit ton of players! I had been gaming for 23 years and I had never heard of the most played game in the world. I had enclosed myself in my gaming comfort zone without a care for non console based games, I’m sorry!
Round One, Fight
I watch a lot of sport, mainly football and boxing if I am being completely honest. I never considered esports to be… well….. a sport?! After the discovery of the most played game in the world I then discovered esports. I thought it must be quite a new thing, a fad maybe, but no, esports had been about since practically the birth of video games. I always think that honesty is the best policy and I would not want to tout myself as a spokesperson for esports because quite frankly I know very little about it. This was never the intentions of the Gamer Wager platform at first, nope, it was all about making sure that people got paid on winning FIFA bets.
I hope that people use the Gamer Wager platform and have a lot of fun with it, I hope they make some money and some friends along the way. Most importantly I hope they get that little bit more out of the games that they love to play. In return I need to explore the world that FIFA is a small part of, I need to see how far the rabbit hole goes with esports. And that is the journey that this blog will cover, my adventure into esports. I hope you enjoy it. If you want to point me towards anything that you think I should cover then please reach out on our social media.