I originally planned on expanding on my last gamer wager blog for my part 2. As much as I feel like there is a lot to be said on the world of girl gaming I just really wanted to talk about what pulled me back into gaming in the first place and that is ONLINE, in particular GTAO
It has only been within the last 3 to 4 years that I have been introduced to online gaming. And even then I knew I wasn’t experiencing it to the fullest potential. I would sit up until all hours playing call of duty - zombies in space land. This made me think I was a pro gamer again until I jumped on multiplayer and got my ass kicked within about 0.05 seconds. But anyways this was my first introduction, no headset, playing with random people, and no real interaction.
It was only when my friend told me I needed GTA that this experience blew up for me. I branched out on social media to find new friends to play with along with my existing circle and I genuinely had one of the funniest nights of my life. I went from doing shitty missions with one car to making millions online and having fun whilst doing it, there’s something so satisfying about running a successful meth business and having your friends help you do it... in GTA of course. But it just became part of a social interaction that I love and craved. As we get older it’s harder to meet up all the time with friends and family but there’s just something about checking that Play Station app and seeing your mates online and thinking.. ‘Go on then I’ll have a cheeky game’.
Obviously new games come out and people fall back from the classics as they can get slightly repetitive but when I heard that GTAO was getting new DLC it was amazing news to me. Never mind a fucking CASINO!! Personally I feel like this should have happened sooner, possibly after the nightclub because the arena war thing was really a big miss for me. But the casino… YES YES YES! now although we don’t know much as of yet, there are changes to the map apparently happening already which it's said can be noticed when driving through the city. Now an official date has not been released yet however I did read that it could be around September time which gives us a few months to get our money up because no doubt this is going to be a big spend! But I love that this has brought the old gang back together that I’d play with!
And whilst on the subject I couldn’t not mention the new speculation of GTA 6 which has said to be split between Vice city and Brazil and I'm sure if you read my last blog you will know how exciting it is for me to hear that one of the main characters is female! YAY. Obviously this is all speculation but the idea of a Narcos inspired GTA set in what I am assuming the 70s or 80s Sounds unreal. Now this clearly will not be for a long time yet as Rockstar plan on making RDR2 pc first and there are rumours flying around that GTA 6 will have a massive detailed map. In fact the map will be bigger than any map in gaming history! Now for the downside, because of the vastness of this map the game will not be available for our current generation of consoles due to size restrictions, so we're looking at PS5 or XBOX Scarlett. I mean it would be perfect if the new GTA release was around the same time as the new consoles release but that’s only the back end of next year in 2020 so I am definitely not convinced that will happen and will probably be a good few years away so for now I’ll enjoy this new DLC coming soon and if anyone fancies a game feel free to add my PSN: iam_epidemic and we can wait patiently together.
Let me know if there is anything you want me to talk about in my next blog, you can find me on twitter @DemiceCatrell
Demice Watson