Here's this weeks run down of the things that have been discussed in the Gamer Wager office this week, all views are our own.....
Harry VS Fortnite
Prince Harry made some comments this week regarding how addictive Fortnite is, in part we agree with this when it comes to children having issues leaving the game but that isn't down to Fortnite, it's down to the parents for letting their kids spend too much time gaming. Anyway, I'm a grown ass man Harry, if I want to spend three hours running around Loot Lake I damn well will! Harry said "It's created to addict, to keep you in front of the computer for as long as possible" which is correct, but playing video games is not the devil here and believe me this argument has been going on for a years. First Pacman took a load of stick, then Sonic and Mario were to blame. If you ask us, the answer is moderation! Besides, we all do things we probably shouldn't when we are younger, some people play too many computer games, others go to fancy dress parties dressed as, now what was it again Harry?
Console Rivalries
With the announcement of the Mega Drive Mini we started to talk about the divide in console ownership. Most people don't have both consoles as it can be seen as a waste of money, but if you liked Mario and Sonic then you were a bit stuck, the same if you liked Gears or Last of Us. Like football fans we get quite tribe-like with our love for our console, a PS4 fan will show their hatred for the XBox controller and vice versa. The games will be scrutinised and frame rates dragged out for all to see. We literally split the office in half with the SNES and Mega Drive debate, some people are no are still in a mood about it and this started days ago. It was when "Mega Drive Wanker" was yelled across the room that things really took a turn for the worse if we are being honest
Gamer Wager Update
We have been desperate to give you a positive update on the platform for a while, we have been discussing our launch in great detail this week so we would just like to say this to you now. We will be giving a full update on our platform on Thursday 11th April. So watch this space guys.